Fall Online Conference

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Registration (Member/Non-Member) 
 Current member would be anyone who has joined and/or renewed from January 2020 to present

National Rehabilitation Association

Fall Online Conference

Monday, October 4, 2021 – Thursday, October 7, 2021

“Resilience and Reinvention: Becoming Agents of Change”
Draft Agenda 

The National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) is the oldest professional member organization in the United States that advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities while also promoting high quality, ethical, and collaborative practice across the rehabilitation profession.

The NRA draws strength from the unique training, education, and credentialing of our diverse membership that believes excellence and outcomes are achieved by upholding the utmost importance of continuous learning, and professional and personal enrichment.

This year, the conference presentations will address the theme: “Resilience and Reinvention: Becoming Agents of Change” and focus on the following tracks:

  • Mental Health, Wellness, and Resiliency

  • Reinvention of Ethical Practices in Counseling and Clinical Supervision

  • Special Populations, Their Singularity and Their Intersectionality

Mental Health, Wellness, and Resiliency

With the recent focus on trauma-informed counseling and the real, significant, and cumulative trauma from COVID, economic challenges, and divisiveness in society, it becomes more important to stress self-care, resilience, and wellness. Not only for ourselves, but for rehabilitation counselors and the people we serve. This track will focus on what we have learned, what is working, and how to stay healthy all while contributing to the same in others.

Reinvention of Ethical Practices in Counseling and Clinical Supervision

In many ways, the field of Rehabilitation Counseling learned it has more resiliency and invention than known as a result of the demands of providing services during a pandemic. 

This track will provide sessions that may include: 

  • How to use the best of what has been learned in what is likely to be a reinvented array of providing virtual and in-person services and supervision. 

  • Accountable supervision and coaching with remote workstations; and 

  • Ethical considerations in service delivery while balancing customer choice with the limitations of staffing and the increased use of technology. 


Special Populations, Their Singularity and Their Intersectionality

Currently we are seeing the intersectionality of disability with the challenges of other social, ethnic, and gender populations. We must recognize the unique needs of the individual and the characteristics of their environment. This track will focus on the issues, needs and service approaches for special populations. The “specialness” might be by disability characteristic or by other characteristics influencing service issues and approaches.

In addition to the tracks the online conference will include the following:

President’s Welcome and Introductions

Legislative Updates 

Awards Ceremony and President’s Closing Remarks 

Presentation Schedule

Presentation schedule to include title, presenters, abstract, start/end time will be shared by no later than September 5, 2021.  There will be a 45-minute break in between each new presentation and no presentation will be held concurrently.

Continuing Education Units

CEU’s will be offered to CRC holders and the specific breakdown between general and ethics will be shared by September 5, 2021.

Online Format

Online conference will be held through the Associations’ Zoom account.

Participants will be responsible to have their own Zoom account to access presentations on the day of and post conference access.

All presentations will be held through Zoom meeting and recorded to include live transcript.

All presentation recordings will be available from October 18, 2021, to September 18, 2022.


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

and [email protected]

I hope you can join us!

Rebecca R. Sametz, PhD, CRC, NCC, LPC, VRT, ETS, CMCC

2021 President, National Rehabilitation Association 

Date & Time
October 4, 2021
Start - 7:30 AM
October 7, 2021
End - 3:00 PM America/Los_Angeles

The National Rehabilitation Association

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The National Rehabilitation Association


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TTUHSC Master of Science in Clinical Rehabilitation Gold